
"Unfinished buildings have the beauty of this which could have been. Of this which is not yet there. Of this which might be one day."
(Inspired by "Le temps en ruines" by Marc Augé)

Italy, home of ruins: A foray into the unfinished, Italy's most prominent architectural style between the end of WW2 and the present day.

Buildings in a limbo between perfection and nothingness, given up on halfway through their construction, fallen into ruin before they were ever used, are an integral part of the Italian architectural landscape: Stadiums without audiences, hospitals without patients, theatres that after 50 years have not yet seen their premiere.
This is a study of the potential value of unfinished buildings in Italy and of man's ability to adapt them to his everyday needs. These ruins, whose future has already passed and whose present carries the taste of an eternal wait, act as an invitation to meditate about time.


07. - 14. February 2012
WINNER Le Festival international du film d'environnement
Best short documentary

07. - 13. November 2011
WINNER Les Écrans Documentaires
Students competition

November 2011
Primed Marseille
Prix International du Documentaire et du Reportage Méditerranéen

29. October - 06. November 2011
2011 CNEX Documentary Film Festival

8. October 2011
WINNER Sedicicorto International Film Festival
Best Film Cortitalia and Special Mention CNC (Centro nazionale cortometraggio)

17. September 2011
WINNER Adana Golden Boll Film Festival
Best documentary (Mediterranean Short Film award)

09. - 18. September 2011
Milano Film Festival 2011

25. August - 02. September 2011
22nd Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival

22. - 30. July 2011
WINNER Lago Film Fest
Best Italian Documentary Film

31. May - 05. June 2011
Cinemambiente Torino
14th Environmental Film Festival

06.- 15. May 2011
WINNER Documenta Madrid
8th Festival Documentarles de Madrid

05. - 15. May 2011
Indie Lisboa
8th Internatinal Independent Film Festival

04. - 11. May 2011
Dokfest München
Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival

02. - 08. May 2011
Sehsüchte 40. Internationales Studentenfilmfestival der HFF Konrad Wolf

13. - 17. April 2011
Le voci dell'inchiesta

18. - 24. March 2011
WINNER Riff 2011
Best Italian Documentary Film

04. - 12. February 2011
33rd Int. Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand
International Competition

21. - 30. January 2011
WINNER Students Award of Anger
Premiers Plans 23rd Edition


Directors Biography
Benoit Felici was born in 1984 in France. His italian origins and the passion for documentary led him to ZeLIG, documentary film school in north Italy. He worked for different production companies, in 2009 for EyeSteelFilm in Canada. Graduated in 2010 at ZeLIG. Major: Direction.

Cinematographers Biography
Bastian Esser was born in 1982 in Munich, he worked for different Productions like F24film in Munich or the ARD Studio in Tel Aviv. Graduated in 2010 at ZeLIG. Major: Camera.

Editors Biography
Milena Holzknecht was born in 1981 in Bressanone, Italy. She studied social sciences at the university of Tübingen (Germany) and graduated with a Master of Arts in 2007. She worked for several documentary projects and in 2009 for the production company Hugofilm in Zurich.Graduated in 2010 at ZeLIG. Major: Editing.


a film by
Benoit Felici

Bastian Esser

Milena Holzknecht

Damiano Nasselli
Josè Sorbello
Andrea Masu
Roberto Festa
Matteo Erenbourg
Salvatore Cammerata
Michele Cammerata
Alessandro Mustaccio
Marco Dandrea
Carmelo Caruso

Sound recordist and first camera assistant
Philipp Griess

second camera assistant
Loris Rizzo

Sound designer
Sven Kurt Albertini

Sound Mix
Roberto Fondriest
Screen Studio Trento

Music by
"Drag and Drop" e "Nonluoghi"
written and performed by Pasquale Bardaro
from "The Last News"

"Improvvisazione 2"
performed by No Doubt Jazz

"La siminzina"
"Mi votu e mi rivotu"
"Curri cavaddu miu"
performed by Rosa Balistreri

Color correction
Alastair Owen

Graphic designer
Martin Kerschbaumer

Project supervision
Niels Pagh Andersen
Katia Assuntini
Frank Behnke
Johann Fischer
Alessandra Akshaya Limetti
Carlo Lo Giudice
Marzia Mete
Tue Steen Müller

Technical assistants - Mastering
Silvano Gazziero
Antonio Piccoli

Production managers
Nadia Caruso
Georg Zeller

Heidi Gronauer
Lorenzo Paccagnella

Produced by

Il Paese incompiuto
03.06.2011 - Italian
"Unfinished Italy" bester italienischer Dokumentarfilm beim RIFF
18.04.2011 - German

"L'Italia incompiuta" - Lina Rignanese
25.03.2011 - Italian

RIFF 2011 / "Unfinished Italy", "Bailão" e altri
24.03.2011 - Italian

Il Manifesto
"Unfinished Italy" e il ponte va in rovina
11.02.2011 - Italian

Format court
Interview with director Benoit Felici
10.02.2011 - French

Le Journal du Court Troisième
Film review by Thomas Martinelli (at 2'10 min)

Direction de la Culture de l'Université d'Angers
Portrait of director Benoit Felici
28.01.2011 - French

"Zelig" erobert die internationalen Festivals
11.02.2011 - German

Begehrte Zelig
10.02.2011 - German

Alto Adige
Al Filmclub oggi e domani tutti i documentari di Zelig
09.2010 - Italian
Documentari a Bolzano
09.10.2010 - Italian


Buy on DVD
Telefon: +39 0471 977930

Benoit Felici

Bastian Esser

Milena Holzknecht

Production / Distribution